Sunday, September 7, 2014

Photo-- Hollywood Producer Caught Robbing a Bank in California
               Things must be really bad for this hollywood producer.  A Hollywood movie producer was humiliated and treated like a criminal after he “fit the description of a bank robber.” 51-year-old Charles Belk of California, who also helped organize the NAACP Image Awards, posted a photo of himself in handcuffs on Facebook.

The incident happened when police were investigating a robbery at a nearby bank, and an eyewitness identified Belk as one of the suspects.

He was held in prison for six hours, while police denied him a phone call to his lawyer or even an explanation of why he was being detained.

“It's one of those things that you hear about but never think it would happen to you,” Belk wrote on his Facebook page. “All because I was identified as the tall and bald headed black male.”

Belk said that he was walking to his car at 5:30 p.m. on Friday, to check the time remaining on his parking meter.

The movie producer, who earned a certificate in executive leadership from Harvard Business School, just finished a meal at a restaurant in Los Angeles, and was due to attend the pre-Emmys party later that night.

Suddenly, the officers approached him and demanded that he sit on the sidewalk. Belk obeyed, and police searched, handcuffed and took him to the Beverly Hills police headquarters. The officers never told him why he was being investigated, he said.

He was ordered held on $100,000 bail as he faced charges of armed bank robbery and accessory to robbery of a Citibank.

It was only after officers reviewed the surveillance videos of the incident that they realized they had the wrong man and he was freed

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